GEO circle lens review | Vivi: GEO circle lens review

Monday, December 9, 2013

GEO circle lens review

Here is a review on the GEO Nudy Quarter Grey lens

Appearance of GEO Nudy Quarter Grey Lens

Lens Packaging

Nudy Quarter Grey Lens


The appearance of these lens are natural looking on the eyes and give them a BLING BLING look when in the sun or in a well-lit area. The dark circle outline is not thick and makes it appear more natural. The colour is noticeable when you are in the light compared to being in a dim lit area, where the colour doesn't stand as much. I give these lens 9/10 from my experience.


The size of these lens are 14.0 mm slightly smaller than the eyes cream lens, I did a review on those lens here. The comfort of these are lens are very good since the size is small. I give it 9/10.


♥ Natural looking
♥ Comfortable to wear
♥ Reasonable priced
♥ Gives a subtle change of look to your eyes   


♥ I have no cons at all

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